Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This website is owned by:
Fundraisers Belgium vzw
Kerkstraat 108
9050 Gentbrugge

By accessing and using the website, you agree to the following general terms and conditions.

Intellectual property rights
The contents of this site, including brands, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts,
images, etc. are protected byintellectual rights and belong to Fundraisers Alliance Belgium vzw or
entitled third parties.

Limitation of liability

The information on the website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or
specific circumstances and thereforecannot be considered as personal, professional or legal advice
to the user.

Fundraisers Belgium asbl makes great efforts so that the information made available is
complete, correct, accurate and updated. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies mayoccur in the
information made available. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if certain
information on or via the site is unavailable, Fundraisers Alliance Belgium will make every effort to
rectify this as soon as possible.

Fundraisers Belgium asbl cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from
the use of the information on this site.

Should you find any inaccuracies in the information made available through the site, please contact
the site administrator.

Thecontent of the site (including links) may be adapted, changed or supplemented at any time
without notice or notification. Fundraisers Belgium vzw does not guarantee the proper
functioning of the website and cannot be held liable in any way for themalfunctioning or temporary
(un)availability of the website or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, which would result from
access to or use of the website.

Fundraisers Belgium vzw cannot in any case be held liable against anyone, directlyor
indirectly, in any particular or other way, for damages due to the use of this site or any other,
especially as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, all losses, work
interruptions, damage to programmes or other data on the computer system, equipment, software
or other of the user.

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties, or refer to them indirectly.
The placing of links to these websites or pages in no way implies an implicit approval of their

Fundraisers Belgium asbl declares that it has no authority over the content or other
characteristics of these websites and cannot in any case be held liable for their content or
characteristics or for any other form of damage resulting from their use.

The use of "cookies"

During a visit to the site, "cookies" may be placed on the hard drive of your computer and only in
order to better tailor the site to the needs of the returning visitor. These mini files or cookies are not
used to trackthe visitor's browsing behaviour on other websites. Your Internet browser allows you to
prevent the use of cookies, to receive a warning when a cookie is installed or to remove the cookies
from your hard disk afterwards. Please consult the help function ofyour internet browser for this.

For further understanding of how we use cookies to collect and process your personal data, please
refer to our Cookie page.

Privacy policy-protection of privacy

  1. Fundraisers Belgium believes your privacy is very important. As a processor of
    personal data, Fundraisers Belgium takes all necessary administrative and technical
    (security) measures to comply with the legal requirements to guarantee your privacy in accordance
    with current local legislation (e.g. Law of 8 December 1992), and the provisions of the General Data
    Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 27 April 2016 in particular. For any questions in this regard, please
    contact Josefien D'Haene, responsible for data processing within Fundraisers Belgium (tel. 09
    233 48 66).
  2. Fundraisers Belgium only collects data that are relevant. In most cases this concernsonly name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. If other personal data are also processed, this is explicitly stated inthe processing register and notified to those concerned (e.g. personnel data).
  3. The purposes of processing personal data are at all times stated individually in the actions, but can be summarised globally:
      - communicating with customers and suppliers within the framework of concluded agreements (legal basis is contract)
      - complying with legal obligations (e.g. accounting or tax obligations, personnel administration) (legal basis is legal obligation)
      - communicating to prospects using data obtained via unambiguous consent or on the basis of justified interests (e.g. via a newsletter).
  4. The processing of your data includes storing them on both physical and digital carriers, using them in postal or electronic mailings and analysing them internally (drawing up lists, internal analysis). However, Fundraisers Belgium undertakes never to disclose these data to third parties without the explicit consent of the party concerned, unless required by law. The data are not kept longer than justified (e.g. until endof agreement).
    If Fundraisers Belgium itself acts as a processor of third-party data, an appropriate processor agreement will be concluded for this purpose.
  5. You enjoy the following rights: the right to information about our approach, the rightto access your personal data, the right to correction, restriction, deletion and transfer as well as the right not to be subjected to automated individual analysis. You can also object to its use or, if you have given consent, withdraw it.
    You can send your request in this regard to the responsible person mentioned above, after which we will respond within a week. You are also free to complain directly to the Autoriteit Gegevensbescherming: Commissiefor the protection of privacy, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, Tel.:+32 (0)2 274 48 00, E-mail:commission@privacycommission.be
  6. Amendments to the Fundraisers Belgium Privacy Policy are possible at any time, but will be communicated to thoseconcerned via individual communication or via the website. The most recent version-which takes effect 30 days after publication on the fundraisersbelgium.be website-can always be found here.
Applicable law and competent courts
Belgian law applies to this site. In case of a dispute, only the courts of the district of Ghent are

Friends of the FAB

Want to be a friend of the Fundraisers Belgium?

The Fundraisers Belgium has several Friends of the Fundraisers Belgium that co-brand with our quality network of decision makers in the fundraising world. Send an e-mail to info@fundraisersbelgium.be if you want more information about partnering up with the Fundraisers Belgium.