Conference on the new non-profit legislation (WVV) and on associations and taxation
More information on the speakers and debate will be added soon.
From 09.30 am to 12.30 pm.
@ Brussels
Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch (and French))
Speaker 1: Benoit Spitaels (impact Advocaten) on the new non-profit legislation WVV
Benoit Spitaels is co-founder of impact Advocaten. The team of impact Advocaten advises and assits social enterprises with all their organisational issues on a daily basis. impact advocaten is a specialised law firm for non- and social-profit organisations.
Based on this practice and experience, he will provide guidance on the practical impact of new law, in particular the WVV (Wetboek van Vennootschappen en verenigingen). This, where necesasary or useful, with special attention to the specificities of fundraising organisations.
This will be dealt with during the explanation:
- general context WVV;
- main changes of principle;
- impact on the statutory clauses;
- liability under the WVV;
- UBO register;
- ...
Speaker 2: Karl De Coux (KDCA Accountancy) on accountancy and taxation
KDCA, based in Heist-op-den-Berg, was founded by accountant and tax consultant Karl De Coux. He has over 30 years of experience in accountancy and tax law. During that time he experienced that not only the figures are important, but also trust and personal contacts so that a correct reflection can be made. In general it can be said that the accountant acts as "the in-house doctor of your company".
10 years ago, Karl De Coux was one of the founders of the Stichting van Openbaar Nut Pelicano Foundation. The Pelicano Foundation has a philanthropic purpose. Its sole purpose is the general well-being and the medical, pedagogical and social well-being of disadvantaged children and young people in particular. It also creates awareness among the Belgian population about this matter. Shortly after its foundation, the Pelicano Foundation received the High Protection of Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid. Pelicano Foundation has the fiscal recognition as an institution that assists the protected minors. Royal Decree has given approval for the establishment of a Philanthropic Center within the Pelicano Foundation.
Karl De Coux will talk about:
- accounting rules and processing for VZW & Foundations
- explanation of "Balance sheet" & "Income statement"
- specific income and costs and their tax rules
- recognition to issue tax certificates
- creation / management of "Foundation" (Fund)
From 09.30 am to 12.30 pm.
@ Brussels (Broederlijk Delen, Huidevettersstraat 165, 1000 Brussel)
Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch)