Lieu de l’événement Masterclass 'Donor Journeys'

Masterclass 'Donor Journeys'

Donor retention, donor journeys, integrated communications, persona’s and satisfaction surveys… Donor retention is a hot topic.

Masterclass  'Donor Journeys'

Huis van het Nederlands

Huis van het Nederlands

Philippe de Champagnestraat 23

Philippe de Champagnestraat 23 , 1000 Brussel

La période d'inscription est terminée.


Prices: VAT not included.


Cancellation is free up until 5 workdays before the event.
Half of the amount will be charged if you cancel between 5 workdays to 2 days before the event.
In case of cancellation on the day of the event or day before the event, the full amount will be charged.

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