À propos de l’événement Education session ‘Storytelling’ by Rudy Pieters

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Education session ‘Storytelling’ by Rudy Pieters

Stories instead of slogans. And that is good news for fundraisers, because organizations in social profit and government have loads of authentic stories. We just have to find them.

Storytelling nowadays is the buzz word in marketing. Stories instead of slogans. And that is good news for fundraisers, because organizations in social profit and government have loads of authentic stories. We just have to find them.

  • What is storytelling actually?
  • Why has it become so important?
  • How do we construct a good story?
  • How do we raise funds with storytelling?

To these and other questions you’ll get an answer during this session.

Rudy Pieters is a communication coach. In a prior life he was a journalist at Het Nieuwsblad, Knack, De Morgen and Radio 1. After that he became marketing manager at Musea Brugge, he founded his own communications agency and taught at HoGent, Vives, Universiteit Gent en Escala (Syntra). Nowadays he is the director at Publiek Centraal, a network of over a 1000 organisations in social profit and government who help each other reach more public.

Practical information:
Date: 16/11/2017 from 9.30 till 16.00 (lunch with sandwiches)
Location: Brussels (@WWF, Emile Jacqmainlaan 90, 1000 Brussel)

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